Last updated: 2024.04.12

WhereThings is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information we collect through our software, WhereThings, and how we use, store, and protect that information.

By using the Service, You agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect

WhereThings does not collect personally identifiable information. The types of data we collect include:

This data is collected automatically as you use our app.

Use of Collected Information

The information collected is used for operational statistics and analysis to improve app performance, particularly in diagnosing and resolving crash situations. Importantly, the data collected are anonymous and do not contain any personally identifiable information or private information from your accounting records.

Third-Party Services

WhereThings integrates third-party services to collect usage and diagnostic data. These services are designed to collect data in a way that does not personally identify you. The SDK we use, as specified in our SDK Privacy Policy, adheres to similar standards of data protection.

Data Storage and Security

Data inputted in WhereThings is stored either locally on your device or in your iCloud account, depending on your settings. We ensure the security of your data by using advanced storage and encryption technologies.

Your Rights

Users have the right to review, modify, or delete their data stored in WhereThings at any time: